This, is an object lesson on the stupidity of the electorate.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Exhibit A. How Obama Got Elected,
a website doing good things to expose this fraud for what it is, has compiled one of the most damning videos yet on the retards that are allowed in the voting booths of America.
Lest you think that such a small sampling doesn't reflect the majority of the Obama voters, think again.
John Zogby conducted a poll of over 500 self-identified Obama voters.
55% claimed to have a college degree, over 90% claimed to have a high school diploma, the margin of error was 4.4%. On to the carnage!
The poll consisted of 12 multiple choice questions, 2.4% got at least 11 correct. The poll questions asked responders to identify a candidate, or an action or quote by a candidate from the four running for the Presidency, Vice-Presidency this election cycle. The Choices were Obama, Biden, McCain, and Palin.
Nearly 60% could not correctly identify who controlled congress. 50/50 guess here.
82% couldn't identify that it was Joe Biden that had to quit a campaign due to plagarism. 25% chance by guessing.
83% had no idea that Obama won his first election to office in Illinois by having all his opponents kicked off the ballet. 25% chance by guessing.
As you can see from the responses in the above video, the majority of the people polled received all, or the majority of their information from the established media in this country. John Stewart was also mentioned several times by respondents.
Why is this important?
More results from the poll:
Only 13.7% failed to identify Palin as the person their party spent $150,000 in clothes on
Only 6.2% failed to identify Palin as the one with a pregnant teenage daughter
And 86.9 % thought that Palin said that she could see Russia from her “house,” when that statement was never made by Palin, and in fact was satire from Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live.
I cannot stress the magnitude of the medias bias and outright abdication of their responsibility in this election cycle enough. The major media outlets in this country invested everything they had to influence the outcome of this election to the benefit of Obama.
If nothing else, this is a damning piece of evidence, that should lead to the emasculation of the liberal dominated press.
Experience shows however, that those most easily influenced by this, either don't care that they are, or they're willing to participate in it.
"I think I'm not as informed as I thought I was, um, but I still don't think I would change my vote."
God help us.