Location: New York, United States

Lives in Upstate New York. I have been a business owner for several years. An avowed Hobo hunter, and drinker of ridiculously expensive single malts. Thinks that guns good, liberals bad.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Death of America

Motherhood, apple pie, and Chevrolet. All American in their ideals, and wholesomeness.

All except the motherhood, and the Chevrolet, and the apple pies.

Americanism has never been under assault more in this country than it is now.

Leftists decry the fact that Sarah Palin had the unmitigated gall to have her baby, even though the Palins KNEW Trig had Downs Syndrome. How dare she not abort this non-viable tissue mass! Doesn't she know that only the only reasonable alternative was to murder her unborn baby? Nevermind that the Palins would give this baby life, and unconditional love!

The liberals tell us such a child would have a hard life, not able to cope with the nuance of an Obama presidency. I guess The Obama when he said "I am my brothers keeper", wasn't talking about babies of Republicans. Or his own living in a mud hut in Africa somewhere. Or his aunt, living here illegally in a slum in Boston. Of course, he didn't say "I am my Half-brothers keeper", so we really can't hold him to it.

Who among us doesn't like apple pie, or home baked cookies, or brownies? These people, yes Virginia, there are Food Nazis. These are the same arrogant bastards that think they have the authority to tell you and I what we should, and more importantly, should not!, be eating. News flash, you come between me and my plate of bacon, you will be living the rest of your life with a permanent disability.

The arrogance of these people used to surprise me; no longer. Emboldened by recent liberal gains in the country, Food Nazis like these bastards are tearing at the very fabric of America, namely our freedoms, to enforce their ideals upon us. Hey, I don't force you to eat bacon, stay the hell out of my bake sales.

Now at last, we come to the auto industry. I could write column after column about the mess this once great bastion of Americanism is facing now. Think about this for a second: what do the auto industry, public schools, and the airline industry all have in common? They're failing miserably, and they're all run and dominated by Democrat run unions.

Someone explain to me when we decided in this country to reward failure by giving them more of our money? What lesson is learned when instead of allowing people and industries to fail due to their mistakes, we take that risk away and make it public, and leave the profits private? Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac anyone?

Look who's behind all this, Democrats and their liberal agendas. Wake up you sheeple. Stop electing people based on their color, instead of their qualifications. Stop allowing the very basic freedoms to be constantly undermined for political gains.

Our worst enemy isn't some dirty, bathrobe wearing, jihadist in the middle east. It's US. It's the willingness to destroy and tear down the very things that made this country the greatest the world has ever seen, merely for personal gain. "I want that", has become the cry of the masses, instead of "I will fight for my country".

This country is at a crossroads. The day we stop elevating success, and start rewarding failure, when we allow small minorities however loud they may be, to determine what we can and can't do, is the day this Republic dies.

It's on life support, get the crash cart, STAT!