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A bit of background for those of you who don't immediately recognize the basis for this post.
Blogger ZeFrank has put together, what must be in his mind, the conciliatory post to end all posts.
Hate to break this to you Z, but we remember the last eight years. We haven't forgotten the constant and brutal smearing of Sarah Palin and her family.
It doesn't take much remembering to bring up countless images of your side equating President Bush with Adolph Hitler. Nor do your constant tirades against the very fabric of this great country easily slip into the past.
You have shown us repeatedly that you hate us with a fervor unrivaled in this country's history. So you'll excuse me if I don't just throw my arms wide, and give you a big sloppy kiss and a hug. I'm not feeling very magnanimous at the moment towards you and your candidate.
You screamed loud and long in 2000 that the election was "stolen" simply because we wouldn't just roll over and let AlGore fraudulently count some of the votes in counties that were heavily Democratic.
Your silence over blatant vote fraud and shady campaign contributions to Obama is deafening. It is also extremely telling. You are not interested in the free and open elections that let the best candidate win, you are simply thieves bent on winning at any cost to this Republic.
Your candidate wasn't an enigma to those of us willing to look at what he was saying, despite your constant cries of RACISM everytime one of our side had the nerve to expose Obama for what he is. He said time and again that he was going to reshape this country, to change its basic makeup, to tear down the structure that made this the greatest country in the history of the world. You had no problem when the press with the greatest freedom in history used its First Amendment rights to blatantly campaign for your candidate, and carry the smears of his opponents.
The freedom given you by the Constitution is looked at by Obama as an obstruction to his world view. The freedoms you enjoyed to spit on us, to curse us, to slander us, will be a puff of smoke in the breeze when he gets done with his remake of this country.
I would have to suppose that you'll be just fine with that, after all, it isn't you that will be silenced. At least, not yet it won't be.
Your eight years of rhetorical and often physical violence against us is not going to be forgotten. Your open disdain of the servicemen and women of this country will not be forgotten. You get my hand in friendship and conciliation the day you apologize to me and the rest of this country for your naked hatred of us.
I'm not holding my breath.
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